Some trucker convoy organizers have history of white nationalism, racism
Global News
'We're saying that this is a far-right convoy because -- from day one -- the organizers themselves are part of the far-right movement,' said the Canadian Anti-Hate Network,
As the first vehicles from the trucker convoy started appearing on Ottawa streets, some Twitter users shared a particular photo: a pickup truck with a confederate flag flying from the bed.
Now, as the convoy descends on Ottawa with the stated aim of opposing all COVID-19 mandates, anti-hate experts allege those with white nationalist and Islamophobic views don’t just represent the fringes of the movement but are among the organizers of the convoy.
“We’re saying that this is a far-right convoy because — from day one — the organizers themselves are part of the far-right movement,” said the Executive Director of the Canadian Anti-Hate Network, Evan Balgord.
“They have previously been involved in far-right movements and have made Islamophobic comments in the past.”
It can be difficult to determine who is a key organizer of the convoy, but there are some names that emerge time and time again — whether as authors of the $7.4 million GoFundMe, as points of contact on the website that boasts a petition with 240,000 signatures, or on social media posts providing widely-shared directions to anyone hoping to join.
Global News contacted all the organizers mentioned in this story, but none responded by the time of publication. Jason LaFace, an Ontario organizer, did pick up the call, but upon the reporter identifying themselves, immediately laughed, said “no thank you,” and hung up the phone.
The convoy initially kicked off with a focus on opposing vaccine mandates — especially the one aimed at truckers. The government announced in November 2021 that all Canadian truckers seeking to cross the border from the United States would need to be vaccinated in order to avoid a 14-day quarantine. That mandate went into effect on Jan. 15.
The United States also instituted its own ban on unvaccinated truck drivers a week after Canada implemented its policy.