Some trains on Konkan Rly.network to be regulated
The Hindu
Some trains running on the Konkan Railway network will be regulated for one hour to three hours from Thursday to facilitate upgrading work on Zuari Bridge and Mandovi Bridge in Goa.A release from Konk
Some trains running on the Konkan Railway network will be regulated for one hour to three hours from Thursday to facilitate upgrading work on Zuari Bridge and Mandovi Bridge in Goa.
A release from Konkan Railway here said that the existing PTTE bearing of steel girder spans of both the bridges will be replaced during the upgrading work.
Train No 04695 Kochuveli-Amritsar Special with journey commencing on November 10 will be regulated between Udupi and Madgaon for 180 minutes.

Former CM B.S. Yediyurappa had challenged the first information report registered on March 14, 2024, on the alleged incident that occurred on February 2, 2024, the chargesheet filed by the Criminal Investigation Department (CID), and the February 28, 2025, order of taking cognisance of offences afresh by the trial court.