Some Manitobans still opting to wear masks despite end of restrictions
Manitobans are waking up to a new COVID normal, as the last of the provincial pandemic restrictions were lifted on Tuesday.
Manitobans are waking up to a new COVID normal, as the last of the provincial pandemic restrictions were lifted on Tuesday.
The changes to restrictions include ending the indoor mask mandate and the requirement for self-isolation after testing positive.
With these changes, Manitobans are feeling some excitement but also caution, especially from people who have close, prolonged contact with others as part of their day-to-day.
Some Manitobans said they will still continue to wear masks in public places, with the Manitoba government empowering people to make their own decisions.
"It's a new day in Manitoba. A day that we are going to start to learn to live with COVID, as we have already, but we will continue along that path of lifting and removing restrictions,” said Premier Heather Stefanson.
Despite the changes to restrictions, the province still strongly recommends mask use and self-isolation for those who have symptoms or test positive.
As of Tuesday, schools are also moving to green on the pandemic response system, but not everyone is comfortable.