Snowfall and winter storm warnings issued as Colorado Low expected to impact southern Sask.
A Colorado Low could potentially bring upwards of 40 centimetres of snow to parts of southern Saskatchewan from Tuesday afternoon until Thursday.
A Colorado Low could potentially bring upwards of 40 centimetres of snow to parts of southern Saskatchewan from Tuesday afternoon until Thursday.
Snowfall and winter storm warnings were issued for parts of east central and southeastern Saskatchewan just before 3 p.m. on Tuesday, upgraded from a winter storm watch.
Pats of western Manitoba were also upgraded to winter storm and snowfall warnings Tuesday afternoon.
Environment and Climate Change Canada said rain mixed with snow is expected to change solely to snow overnight on Tuesday with the heaviest snowfall expected Wednesday morning.
Total accumulations of all precipitations could exceed 30 millimetres in some regions, according to Environment Canada.
Warning and preparedness meteorologist Terri Lang said areas southeast of Regina and into the Manitoba Parklands are expected to get hit the hardest, where wind gusts of up to 80 kilometres per hour are also being forecasted.
“In particular the Estevan, Carlyle and Moosomin areas look like it will get the bulk of the snow, upwards of 40 centimetres,” Lang said. “Areas bordering that could receive up to 25 centimetres of snow,” Lang added.