SNAP 2021 Dates Announced; Registration To Start From August 31
SNAP 2021: The aptitude test is scheduled to be held in computer-based mode on December 19, 2021, January 8, 16, 2022. Students will be able to register for SNAP 2021 from August 31 to November 27.
The Symbiosis International University (SIU) has announced the SNAP 2021 dates. Symbiosis National Aptitude Test (SNAP test) is conducted to shortlist candidates for admission to postgraduate and postgraduate diploma management programmes. The aptitude test is scheduled to be held in computer-based mode on December 19, 2021, January 8, 16, 2022. Students will be able to register for SNAP 2021 from August 31 to November 27. As per the SNAP exam pattern 2021, the duration of the aptitude test is one hour. Candidates have to answer 60 multiple choice questions of one mark each. The question paper, as per the SNAP exam pattern 2021, will be divided into three sections -- General English; Quantitative, Data Interpretation and Data Sufficiency and Analytical and Logical Reasoning. One-fourth of the marks will be deducted for every wrong answer marked. On the basis of SNAP result which is scheduled to be released on February 1, 2022, aspirants will be shortlisted for further admission processes. Merit list will be displayed on the official website of the SNAP participating institute on the basis of the SNAP 2020 cut-off marks.More Related News