Singapore Restricts Entry For Work Pass Holders Amid Covid Surge In India
The frightening surge in COVID-19 cases in India has had repercussions around the world and Singapore has not been spared, with delays and disruptions across the economy.
In view of the resurgence of COVID-19 cases in several countries, especially India, and emergence of new virus variants, Singapore is reducing entry approvals for work pass holders and their dependents entering the country in the coming weeks. "In this period of heightened alert, we are making changes to the entry of work pass holders who have earlier obtained approvals to arrive from higher risk countries and regions from Tuesday onwards," said Singapore's Ministry of Manpower. Construction, Marine Shipyard and Process (CMP) work pass holders who have earlier obtained approval will be allowed entry as approved, except for a small group with planned arrivals in June who will be rescheduled to arrive in subsequent weeks, said the ministry. Migrant domestic workers who have obtained earlier approval will be allowed entry as approved except for some with planned arrivals prior to June 7 who will be rescheduled to arrive in subsequent weeks.More Related News