Shocking video shows drunk driver hitting cars, fire hydrant while swerving through Metro Vancouver
Authorities have released alarming video showing a drunk driver running a red light, hitting parked cars and knocking over a fire hydrant while swerving across several cities in B.C.'s Lower Mainland earlier this year.
Authorities have released alarming video showing a drunk driver running a red light, hitting parked cars and knocking over a fire hydrant while swerving across several cities in B.C.'s Lower Mainland earlier this year.
The recording was captured on the driver's own dashboard camera, and released by the Burnaby RCMP detachment Thursday to highlight the dangers of being impaired behind the wheel.
"It is shocking that nobody was killed or injured, including the driver," Cpl. Mike Kalanj said in a news release. "We urge everyone to watch this video. This is what impaired driving looks like."
The recording shows a Cadillac Escalade driving across Richmond, Vancouver and Burnaby on the night of Jan. 8. The SUV repeatedly drifts into the opposing lane of traffic along the way, sometimes narrowly missing incoming vehicles.
Eventually, the Escalade strikes multiple parked cars and a fire hydrant near Royal Oak Avenue and Marine Drive, sending a torrent of water onto the street – but the drunk driver continues on his way.
The Escalade is also seen knocking over a stop sign before finally coming to a rest near Gilley Avenue and Marine Drive shortly after midnight. By that point, the vehicle was "badly damaged and was missing a tire," according to Burnaby RCMP, who arrested the driver at the scene.
The driver refused to provide a breath sample and was unco-operative with police, but was eventually convicted of impaired driving in August. The 62-year-old Burnaby man was handed a one-year driving prohibition and given a $1,000 fine.