Shilpa Shetty ups the ethnic quotient in Rs 24k sunny orange double pallu saree. See pics
India Today
Shilpa Shetty wore a double pallu cocktail saree in the shade sunny orange for her appearance on Super Dancer Chapter 4 over the weekend.
Shilpa Shetty was nothing short of ravishing as she made an appearance on Super Dancer Chapter 4 over the weekend and shared pictures from her photoshoot ahead of the event in a post on Instagram. The 46-year-old actress opted for an ensemble from a brand called Cuin and it is pretty unique. Shilpa wore a double pallu cocktail saree in the shade sunny orange for her appearance on the show. It is a pre-pleated saree featuring two pallus on both sides that can be draped in several ways. The outfit also has a stitched faux leather belt that ties in the front with the pleats. Shilpa paired the saree with a sleeveless blouse in the same shade.More Related News