She didn't have a single lesson on Indigenous culture growing up. Now, she's changing that
Robyn Michaud can't remember having a single discussion about Indigenous history and culture throughout her entire primary and secondary school education — or the first 15 years of her teaching career.
Despite what she calls some positive milestones for Indigenous learnings in Ontario public schools, there's something she says is largely missing — Indigenous educators.
"I learned nothing, absolutely nothing about Indigenous peoples in my Kindergarten to 13. There was nobody around to help facilitate that learning for me," said Michaud, a professor of Indigenous studies at Conestoga College.
"I'm being that person that I needed."
On National Indigenous Peoples Day, Michaud was among numerous educators reflecting on how their culture, traditions and history are being taught in schools and what more needs to be done for students.
"The difference it makes to even have one Indigenous teacher in the school, it's an absolute game changer. Kids need to see themselves represented and also to have people on staff that understand the legacy of colonialism, the legacy of residential schooling and how that's impacted our communities," she said.
Kiera Brant-Birioukov, assistant professor of Indigenous education at York University, said it's an exciting time to be an Indigenous educator and that she feels a sense of urgency for the subject matter.
"The responsibility that we have as Indigenous educators is nothing new, but it's exceptionally exciting knowing that settler Canadians are ready to engage in these conversations," said Brant-Birioukov.
Residential schools need to be an important part of the curriculum, but they can't be the only discourse and conversation being had about Indigenous history and experience, she said.
"Let's not lose that legacy. But we do need to recognize everything else Indigenous communities are doing," she said.
Brant-Birioukov said efforts to preserve Indigenous languages are an example — something she said is no easy feat when funding isn't sufficient or consistent enough.
In April, a report from People for Education — an independent, charitable organization working to support and advance public education through research, policy, and public engagement — found the proportion of Ontario schools reporting professional development on Indigenous education more than doubled over the last decade. The numbers went from from 34 per cent of elementary schools in 2012-13 to 76 per cent in 2022-23; and for secondary schools, from 34 per cent in 2012-13 to 82 per cent in 2022-23.
Seventy two per cent of secondary schools reported offering an Indigenous studies course in 2022-23, compared to 40 per cent of secondary schools in 2013-14. On top of that, 14 school boards are replacing the compulsory Grade 11 English course with an Indigenous-focused course.
"We actually have come quite far," the organization's executive director, Annie Kidder, said at the time.