'Severe' thunderstorms moving across southern Manitoba: Environment Canada
Environment Canada is warning Manitobans that the “severe” thunderstorms in the province on Tuesday could produce tornadoes.
Environment Canada is warning Manitobans that the “severe” thunderstorms in the province on Tuesday could produce tornadoes.
The weather agency sent this warning in its severe thunderstorm watch, which it issued for several communities in the province including Brandon, Winnipeg, and Portage la Prairie on Tuesday.
In this statement, Environment Canada said the thunderstorms are moving across southern Manitoba on Tuesday morning, noting that some of these storms are “severe.”
The current storm activity will clear this morning; however, more thunderstorms will redevelop later on Tuesday morning and into the afternoon.
The weather agency is warning Manitobans that strong winds gusts can damage buildings, down trees, and blow cars off the road, Environment Canada added that severe thunderstorms can also produce tornadoes.
Manitobans are urged to be prepared for severe weather and take cover immediately if they notice threatening weather.
Lightning injures and kills Canadians every years, so if you hear thunder, you should head indoors.