Seth Meyers Imagines What's Next For 'Dumber And Dumber' Fox News Pseudoscience
"One day we're going to wake up and Brian Kilmeade's going to be telling people you can cure COVID by eating kibble and sleeping in kitty litter."
Seth Meyers is afraid to imagine what’s next on right-wing media’s pseudoscience agenda after its latest push of an unproven COVID-19 treatment. Public health officials this week warned people not to take an anti-parasitic drug often used for livestock after a spike in calls to poison control centers about ivermectin poisoning. The drug has been discussed and promoted as a possible COVID-19 treatment by conservatives, including Fox News hosts Laura Ingraham and Tucker Carlson, both of whom have promoted other dubious treatments such as hydroxychloroquine and who routinely cast doubt on vaccines that have been proven safe and effective.More Related News