Sen. Toomey on 'Fox & Friends': Biden appeasing the radical left and most Americans 'didn't sign up for that'
Fox News
Senator Pat Toomey said on "Fox & Friends" that President Biden has governed from the "far left," which is why Senator Joe Manchin rejected Democrats' massive spending bill.
SENATOR PAT TOOMEY: He campaigned as the moderate centrist, the guy that was going to bring America together, use his decades in Washington to strike deals to find compromise and consensus. And it's been the exact opposite. He's governed from the hard left. Let's be honest, this is Bernie Sanders' bill, and that's why Bernie Sanders is so livid with Joe Manchin right now.
There's been no centrist and really, across the board, all of Joe Biden's policies have been appeasing the radical left. Well, Joe Manchin never signed up for that program. Actually, most Americans didn't, either.