Sen. Tom Cotton says Democrats want to 'destroy' Senate customs following Manchin dissent
Fox News
Arkansas Sen. Tom Cotton appeared on Fox News’ “Sunday Night in America with Trey Gowdy” to discuss recent developments in Afghanistan and the U.S. Senate.
Arkansas Sen. Tom Cotton appeared as a guest to discuss the suffering of both Afghans and Americans from President Biden’s troop withdrawal.
"History will judge Joe Biden’s debacle and his reckless ill-planned disorganized withdrawal plan from Afghanistan in August as a fiasco of the first order. As you pointed out, what’s happening in Afghanistan is exactly what you’d expect from a depraved gang of medieval savages the Taliban. You have millions of children in threat of imminent starvation. Women and minorities are facing oppression. Brutal reprisals against anyone who worked with Americans or worked with the previous Afghan government. But I think what worries most Americans even more is the threat that Afghanistan and the Taliban poses to Americans," Cotton said.