Semiconductor chip bill part of Congress's 'flurry of bipartisan activity': Axios reporter
Fox News
The "Special Report" All-Star panel responded to proposed semiconductor chip subsidies, President Biden's Saudi Arabia trip and Democratic spending on a GOP candidate.
KRAUSHAAR: The bigger picture, Bret, is that we're actually seeing a little bit of a flurry of bipartisan activity in Congress. If this passes the Senate - and it looks like it will get a significant number of Republican senators joining with Democrats in passing this legislation - that'll be the second bill in two months. When you include the gun control and mental health funding bill that passed through Congress last month. So even though the big items that Biden is looking to get - trying to push through climate change legislation, a lot more government spending - that's hit a roadblock because it doesn't have public support. Some of these small bills, like Hugh said, increase the competitiveness of our domestic semiconductor industry, helping out Intel. These are things that have wide political support and look like they are getting bipartisan backing in Congress.