Second home-built 700 MW nuclear plant at Kakrapar achieves first criticality
The Hindu
India’s second home-built 700 MW nuclear power reactor at Kakrapar in Gujarat achieved its first criticality.
India's second home-built 700 MW nuclear power reactor at Kakrapar in Gujarat achieved its first criticality, the start of the controlled fission reaction, early Sunday, setting the stage for its gradual move towards producing electricity for commercial purposes.
The first criticality was achieved at 1.17 am in the presence of Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL) Chairman-cum-Managing Director B.C. Pathak.
Kakrapar Atomic Power Project (KAPP) Unit-4 is the second in the series of 16 indigenous Pressurised Heavy Water Reactors (PHWR) of 700 MW each being set up in the country.
"Achievement of the criticality of KAPP-4, within six months of commercial operation of Unit-3 was significant," Mr. Pathak said addressing officials at the site.
The criticality was achieved after meeting all the stipulations of the Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB), which had issued clearance after a rigorous review of the safety of the plant systems, a statement from NPCIL said.
After the first criticality, several experiments/tests will be conducted in KAPP-4 and the power level raised in steps, in line with the clearances of the AERB, ultimately culminating in the operation of the unit at full power, it said.
KAPP 3 and 4 (2x700 MW) are located at Kakrapar in Surat district of Gujarat, adjacent to the existing reactors KAPS 1 and 2 (2x220 MW), it said.