Searching for LUCA, the first life-form from which all other life descended Premium
The Hindu
In a recent paper in the journal Nature Ecology and Evolution, researchers at the University of Bristol and Exeter in the U.K. constructed a phylogenetic tree of 350 bacterial and 350 archaeal genomes. Then, using a molecular clock, the team estimated when LUCA could have originated: around 4.2 billion years ago, just 300 million years after the earth itself formed.
The origin of life on the earth is one of the world’s most enduring mysteries. There are a number of competing theories but all of them lack conclusive proof. Nonetheless, scientists widely believe a combination of geological, climatic, and chemical processes gave rise to the building blocks of life.
In the 1920s, Alexander Oparin and J.B.S. Haldane independently proposed their origin theories — the first of their kind. In 1924 and 1929, Oparin and Haldane respectively suggested the first molecules making up the earliest life forms gradually self-organised from a “primordial soup” in a young earth’s tempestuous, prebiotic environment. This idea is today called the Oparin-Haldane hypothesis.
Researchers have also conducted biochemistry experiments and found evidence to support this hypothesis. A particularly famous one was the Miller-Urey experiment in 1952, in which University of Chicago researchers Stanley Miller and Harold Urey showed that in the right conditions, inorganic compounds could give rise to complex organic compounds. Miller and Urey mixed methane, ammonia, and water, and when they applied a strong electric current — like a lightning strike might have — the mixture contained amino acids, the building blocks of proteins. They reported their discovery the very next year in the journal Science.
While we have evidence today that the earth’s environment then may not have been much like what the experiment presumed to mimic, the very fact that amino acids could be created in a broth of inorganic molecules was groundbreaking.
Other researchers have proposed other theories about the origin of life. A particularly prominent one is that meteorites from space could have brought the building blocks of life, sustained by discoveries on the earth as well as out there. In August 2019, French and Italian scientists reported discovering extra-terrestrial organic material 3.3 billion years old whereas Japan’s Hayabusa 2 mission to the asteroid Ryugu indicated the presence of more than 20 amino acids there.
As mysteries go, a close second to the origin of life is how life-forms evolved to produce the rich diversity we see around us today. Researchers believe all the three branches of life — bacteria, archaea, and eukarya — originated from a single cell, called the last universal common ancestor (LUCA).
There is no fossil evidence to support the existence of LUCA, but the fact that modern genomes share so many features provides some insights. An important concept that allows scientists to reconstruct the ‘tree of life’ is the theory of the molecular clock. Molecular biologist Emile Zuckerkandl and biochemist Linus Pauling proposed it in the 1960s and biologist Motoo Kimura subsequently improved it.