Scientists studying gene mutations to stop rare diseases
The Hindu
Specific population groups identified to check for mutations and prevent them from moving into next generation
Scientists at the Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB) and the Centre for DNA Fingerprinting & Diagnostics (CDFD) here are screening specific population groups in identified areas ailing from peculiar genetic diseases to check for the mutations to prevent them from moving into the next generation.
Senior scientist and CDFD Director K. Thangaraj on Wednesday said that if the genetic mutation response is found in these groups during the ongoing study it will help in taking up counselling the populations concerned and halt the progression into the next generation. This is akin to what the Ashkenazi Jews have been successfully doing for the last few decades through community testing at the school level itself.
“When the adults consent to marry, their genetic sequences are compared and either they are advised against marriage or told to keep checking for the genetic disease when pregnant. The Jews have eliminated some diseases through this process, so hopefully we too can do the same here,” he told an online gathering during the course of his presentation on ‘Human origin, health and disease’ organised by National Geophysical Research Institute (NGRI).