Scientists In India Develop Nanobots That Can Kill Bacteria In Teeth
The nanobots can be injected into the teeth to kill bacteria, and can better dental treatment by killing germs deep inside dentinal tubules.
The Indian Institute of Science (IISc) located in Bengaluru have developed tiny nanobots to help with Root Canal Treatments. The nanobots can be injected into the teeth to kill bacteria, and can better dental treatment by killing germs deep inside dentinal tubules, according to a release issued by the institute.
Root Canal Treatments (RCT) are a common technique which by tooth infections are treated by removing the soft tissue that is infected called the pulp. This is done by flushing the tooth with antibiotics or other chemicals to kill the bacteria that has caused the infection.
Researchers at IISC have managed to create nanobots that are made from silicon dioxide and coated with iron which can be controlled by a device that creates a low intensity magnetic field. This new technique and study has been published by the journal Advanced Healthcare Materials.
The nanobots have been developed by startup Theranautilus and the technology of the magnetic field allows for the control of the movement of the bots. IISC has said that by manipulating the frequency of the magnetic field, researchers were able to move around the nanobots and get them to penetrate deep layers of the tubules. The tweaking of the magnetic field also creates heat which also kill bacteria nearby.