Schools in Moncton's west end grapple with vandalism, homeless people on grounds
The principals of two schools in Moncton say they're concerned about the vandalism, used needles and homeless people they're seeing on school grounds.
At Hillcrest School, principal Laura Small said she has to venture out with another staff member to conduct a sweep of the playground and outdoor space before her K-8 students can use it.
"It's constant," Small said. "There's always something going on."
Small said activity around the school was an issue in the fall and quieted down over the colder winter months. But when the city's downtown emergency shelter closed at the end of March — it immediately restarted.
People have been sleeping rough on school grounds and using it as a "throughway," leaving personal belongings and shopping carts on the property. While much activity is during the evening, it has been extending into daytime hours while school is in session.
WATCH / 'We have to maintain a safe perimeter and a safe space for our students'
Small said she keeps her distance when asking people to move along after interactions that were "worrisome." She calls community safety officers at the city or RCMP if an individual does not leave.
"We're just not sure," she said. "I assume that it's not positive intent, and I assume that they're not well and able, because I need to keep my kids safe.
"We have to maintain a safe perimeter and a safe space for our students. Any strange person on school grounds is a cause for alarm for me."
Hillcrest has an outdoor classroom space in the wooded area behind the school, which has become more difficult to access because of people in the space. It's used for a forest school program for kindergarten and Grade 1 students to teach math and literacy through nature.
Two staff members have to sweep the area and set up a taped perimeter that has been cleared each morning.
Teachers have a plan in place for gathering the students and bringing them back to the building in the event someone wanders into the area.
Small said she would like to see security on school grounds or more regular patrols.
"If you were to ask me what keeps me up at night there's only a couple of things in my job right now, and it's one of them," she said.