SBI dividend announced! Check record date, per share dividend and all you need to know
Zee News
SBI has announced dividends for shareholders. Investors can check dividend amount and record date inside.
New Delhi: State Bank of India (SBI), on Friday (May 13), shared its quarterly performance report for the fourth quarter of the financial year 2021-22. India's largest lender reported a 41% hike in its income to Rs 9,113 crore in the three months to March 2022. SBI had recorded a profit of Rs 6,451 crore during the January-March period of 2020-21, the bank said in a regulatory filing. With the financial results, SBI has also dividends for shareholders and fixed the date of payment of dividends. Shareholders will receive the payment for the dividend on or before the record date.
SBI Dividend
SBI has declared a dividend of Rs 7.10 per share for the financial year ending March 2022. SBI shareholders will receive Rs 7.10 per share in their linked bank accounts on or before the SBI dividend record date.
SBI Dividend Record Date
SBI will transfer the dividend amount to the bank accounts of shareholders on or before June 10, 2022. The bank will dispatch the payments of dividends on or before the record date.