Satellite Internet Boom Could Disrupt Earth's Magnetic Field, Warns Physicist
The problem is that space, contrary to popular belief, isn't really a giant, self-cleaning void.
Plasma physicist Sierra Solter warns that the growing number of satellites burning up in Earth's atmosphere could disrupt the planet's magnetic field, according to The Guardian.
Ms Solter, who has been studying the issue for over a year, is concerned about the dust and ash created by burning satellites accumulating in the ionosphere and magnetosphere. These conductive materials could create charging effects and act as a magnetic shield, potentially weakening or deflecting Earth's magnetic field.
"We could get to 100,000 satellites in 10 to 15 years," Dr Jonathan McDowell, of the Harvard-Smithsonian Centre for Astrophysics, said. Those satellites power hyper-connected internet services and may turn some billionaires into trillionaires-at the cost of shrouding the planet with toxic trash.