Saskatoon psychologist says new shelter shouldn't be near children's clinic
A proposed emergency shelter at the old bus depot in downtown Saskatoon is causing alarm at a nearby children's mental health clinic.
In March, the city ruled that a new shelter must be located at least 250 metres from any elementary school. A new 30-bed shelter at an old fire hall in the Sutherland neighbourhood was rejected by city council in February due to its proximity to a school.
Dr. Jocelyn Poock, a clinical psychologist whose clinic is adjacent to the proposed shelter site, says the same buffer should apply around her children's clinic in Saskatoon's downtown.
She said the clinic gets 7,000 visits a year from vulnerable children, including those with autism, serious trauma, impulsive behaviours and other disabilities.
"We have to get kids safely in the doors to do our job as clinicians. If children don't feel safe coming into our building, we can't exact any change in their lives," she said. "You need that sense of physical safety, whether it's perceived safety or actual safety, to help somebody move through a trauma process."
Poock expressed disbelief at the city's decision to consider the building next to her clinic as a potential location for the shelter.
"I can't imagine, and I don't want to imagine, any of the outcomes that could come from placing two very vulnerable populations 40 feet away from each other," she said.
CBC asked the City of Saskatoon about Poock's concerns. It provided a statement from city manager Jeff Jorgenson.
"This is different from a school in that the business' functions are entirely indoors. Whereas, a school has kids walking to school and there are extensive outdoor activities," Jorgenson said.
He said the city has heard and understands concerns about businesses and residents in the area being affected by the shelter.
"This is a much smaller shelter than some of the other ones we've seen downtown," Jorgenson said.
"We've got a service provider that's got a great track record in Alberta providing these services. We've got a commitment from the fire department and the police to support this temporary site, so we do think we have a lot of controls and appropriate responses in place."
It is uncertain how many total beds the city will have this winter to help those in need.
The proposed enhanced emergency shelter, if approved, could open this winter at 210 Pacific Avenue, offering up to 40 beds. Enhanced shelters like this one provide 24-hour access, three meals a day along, support for addictions, mental health, and wellness, and services to help transition to long-term housing.