Saskatoon PPC candidate among those seeking injunction against Sask. proof-of-vaccination policy
Saskatchewan’s proof of vaccination requirement is facing a legal challenge.
An application has been filed at Court of Queen’s Bench in Saskatoon against four Crown corporations and the province’s attorney general.
It seeks an injunction that the provincial government, including Crowns and other departments, may not require proof of vaccination as a condition to enter their premises, obtain services or employment.
The applicants include Mark Friesen, who ran as a candidate for the PPC in last week’s federal election, and two entities named Concerned Citizens (Estevan) and Unified Grassroots.
The application also requests that any medical testing requirements extend to everyone regardless of their vaccination status, that they do not frustrate or coerce people into submitting to vaccination as an alternative, be as least intrusive as possible and be provided at the expense of those requiring the test.