Saskatoon city council police and fire report turns into call to report crimes
Global News
Saskatoon's interim police chief Dave Haye stressed the importance of reporting crime on Wednesday.
A report revolving around homelessness and crime was brought forward to Saskatoon’s city council meeting Wednesday, which inadvertently turned into a message about the importance of reporting crimes.
Saskatoon Police Service interim chief Dave Haye said the police portion of the report is divided into two parts: the number of calls for service in areas like the Fairhaven community and the crime statistics.
He said statistics can’t capture the perception or belief within communities that they aren’t safe.
“In order to understand why a person doesn’t feel safe we have to speak with them directly and learn why they believe what they do,” Haye said.
He said while they’ve been able to connect with some business operators and residents, they haven’t been able to connect on a broader basis.
Haye said they are working with the fire department to find the best approach to that and believe that this requires a whole city approach.
He stressed that more transient people in the city doesn’t necessarily equate to more crime.
Saskatoon Tribal Council Chief Mark Arcand also spoke at the meeting, saying the report to council discredits the rumours about the Emergency Wellness Centre being the cause of crime rising 1,100 times in the Fairhaven community.