Saskatoon actor intervenes as man attempts to jump off University Bridge
Monika Holman says she was walking down the University Bridge on Wednesday on her way to a rehearsal for a Fringe play when she saw a man starting to climb over the edge.
Monika Holman says she was walking down the University Bridge on Wednesday on her way to a rehearsal for a Fringe play when she saw a man starting to climb over the edge.
“My first thought when I saw him was, ‘Okay, this isn’t something you can walk away from,’” she said.
Holman started talking to him, and she says another woman who was pushing a stroller joined her. They were trying to encourage him not to do it.
The exchange was tense. She says she felt powerless. They were trying to be encouraging, and he didn’t always seem convinced.
“I just felt so useless. Honestly, we were doing all that we can but at the same time, it’s like, we’re pretty powerless. Whatever happens, it’s up to this guy, you know?”
She says the man didn’t talk a lot, but they found out he had been in the hospital, treated for depression. Holman says he still had the hospital bracelet on his wrist.
When another passerby came on a bike, she quietly told him to call 911. She says the police arrived quickly; the officer gently coaxed the man back.