Saskatchewan to allow employers to ask workers for proof of vaccination
Global News
The Saskatchewan government said new regulations will allow employers to voluntarily opt in if they wish to implement a proof-of-vaccination or negative test policy for employees.
Employers in Saskatchewan outside the public service can ask employees if they are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 when new regulations come into force on Oct. 1.
Friday is when the province implements its proof-of-vaccination policy requiring people to show they are vaccinated when entering a number of businesses, including indoor dining, bars, gyms and indoor event venues.
The province said the new regulations will allow employers to voluntarily opt in if they wish to implement a proof of vaccination or negative test policy for employees.
A negative test would have to be provided by employees at least every seven days.
A backgrounder from the province said employers need to provide reasonable notice of the policy to every employee personally, by posting it in the workplace, by posting it on a secure website accessible to employees, or by any other means that ensure the employee is notified of the policy.
The province said employers can use a self-declaration process and are not required to collect or retain personal health information.
However, employers are required to establish a verification process for reviewing the evidence of vaccination or a negative test provided by employees, and keeping the information confidential.
The province said the Saskatchewan Employment Act provides a legal defence to employers exercising a power in good faith that is provided for in the act or by regulation, including businesses choosing to follow the new regulation — The Employers’ COVID-19 Emergency Regulations.