Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation calls out province with new ad campaign
Global News
The new video campaign from STF points to issues like overcrowded classrooms, a lack of access to the professional resources that students rely on, and year-over-year budget cuts.
The Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation (STF) has launched a new ad campaign to call out the province for underfunding education once again.
“The Saskatchewan Party continues to ignore their responsibilities for public education,” said a press release from STF. “Instead, they are attempting to mislead and divide the public in order to distract from a growing crisis of their own doing — a crisis caused by years of underfunding public schools.”
The new video campaign points to issues like overcrowded classrooms, a lack of access to the professional resources that students rely on, and year-over-year budget cuts.
The STF has expressed frustration with the provincial government on numerous occasions over the last few months, saying that any money provided hasn’t been enough.
The organization has been fighting back with rallies and campaigns.
“Our new ad demonstrates the challenges students face in underfunded classrooms, and how teachers are working hard to support them,” said STF president Samantha Becotte.
“The premier and new education minister are keen to talk about their billion-dollar surplus and growth that supposedly works for everyone. But their idea of growth isn’t working for the schools and children of our province.”
Becotte pointed to a recent report from the Fraser Institute that found that between 2012-2020, Saskatchewan recorded the second highest increase in student enrolment among provinces, while also seeing the second largest decrease in per-student funding.