Saskatchewan shivers under record lows
How cold was it yesterday in Saskatchewan?
In Nipawin, Sask., the temperature plummeted to a record-shattering -43.4 C, breaking the record for Dec. 30 of - 40.8 C set in 1992.
Compare that with Alert, Nunavut, which is just 800 kilometres from the North Pole. Its low on Thursday was a balmy -27 C, according to Environment Canada.
And Nipawin wasn't the only Saskatchewan community to shiver in record-setting lows:
Environment Canada's extreme cold warning remains in effect and covers almost the entire province.
The deep freeze will continue across the province today and tomorrow before the southern half gets a one-day reprieve on Sunday.
The New Year's Day high for Regina is a predicted -27 C while in Saskatoon the high will be -25 C.
Those cities will see highs of -5 C and -8 C respectively on Sunday. But Arctic air will return on Monday with colder temperatures.
As for Nipawin, the high on Saturday is expected to be -28 C and -17 C on Sunday.