Saskatchewan chiropractors looking for 10,000 pairs of new socks for ‘Toasty Toes’ campaign
Global News
Saskatchewan chiropractors have set a goal to collect 10,000 pairs of socks for the Toasty Toes Sock Drive with The Salvation Army.
Saskatchewan chiropractors have set a goal to collect 10,000 pairs of socks for the Toasty Toes Sock Drive with The Salvation Army, according to the Chiropractors Association of Saskatchewan.
“The socks are collected for those who are more vulnerable in our community,” said Tracy Bertram, executive director of the Chiropractors Association of Saskatchewan. “We think about the importance of warm, dry feet and how important that is to all of us.”
She said socks are one of the least common items donated to shelters and other services that serve people in need.
All of the socks will be donated the Salvation Army.
“Over the last six years of our sock drive, we have raised over 92,000 pairs of socks and donated them,” Bertram said.
She said the goal this year is to collect more than 10,000 pairs of socks.
“Ideally we would love to get over the 100,000 mark and heading into our eighth year next year we would like to move forward from the 100,000 mark.”
Clinics will collect new pairs and packages of socks from Oct. 3 to Nov. 30.