Sask. union leaders call for restrictions as COVID-19 cases surge
Global News
Restrictions need to be implemented immediately in Saskatchewan due to the high number of COVID-19 cases in the province, six union leaders urged Thursday.
The leaders of six Saskatchewan labour unions are urging the Saskatchewan government to implement restrictions as COVID-19 cases surge in the province.
They are calling on the Saskatchewan government to heed the measures recommended by Dr. Saqib Shahab, the province’s chief medical health officer, on Jan. 12.
These include limiting gathering sizes to 10 people, limiting the frequency of gatherings and establishing consistent bubbles, and limiting non-work and non-school contacts.
“By continuing to do nothing, our government has made it clear that they do not care about whether or not workers get sick,” said Lori Johb, president of the Saskatchewan Federation of Labour.
“The Omicron variant of COVID-19 is a clear workplace occupational health and safety hazard, and it’s time for our government to step up and do their duty to make sure that workers are kept safe at work.”
Johb was joined by the head of the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation (STF), SGEU, SEIU-West, the Saskatchewan Union of Nurses (SUN) and CUPE Saskatchewan asking for the measures.
Collectively, the unions represent more than 113,000 workers in the province.
Earlier this week, Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe rejected any new measures for the province.