Sasikala, Dhinakaran express concern over rising price of potash
The Hindu
The AIADMK’s former interim general secretary and the AMMK general secretary, both said the government must take steps to reduce the price of the fertiliser and deal with shortage issues
The AIADMK’s former interim general secretary, V.K. Sasikala, on Monday called upon the Central and State governments to take steps to reduce the price of potash and overcome the problem of shortage of the fertiliser in the State.
In a statement, she pointed out that paddy had been raised over approximately 10 lakh acres during the Samba-Thaladi cultivation season. In view of the requirement of potash for providing the crops with nutrition, ordinarily one bag was applied for one acre. At present, the price of potash per bag had gone up to ₹1,700 to ₹1,800, marking an increase from ₹650 to ₹750. Also, there were reports of a shortage of potash. The two developments had caused hardship to agriculturists.