Santa hands out gift cards to Winnipeggers to support downtown businesses
Global News
Santa came early and took a tour downtown Winnipeg to support businesses that had taken a blow during the pandemic, on Friday morning.
Santa came early and teamed up with Downtown Winnipeg Biz on Friday morning to spread holiday cheer as part of a new gift card program.
The big guy was out on Donald and Broadway at 8 a.m. handing out gift cards and cookies to drivers and passersby.
Biz said the aim of the program is to encourage more spending downtown and foster economic recovery.
“By purchasing a Downtown gift card and then spending it at their favourite downtown business, Winnipeggers can help support the owners and employees who are an important part of the downtown community,” said Kate Fenske, CEO of the Downtown Winnipeg Biz.
So far, over 100 downtown businesses have signed up to participate and will accept the gift card as payment.
Additionally, you can buy a $30 “bonus” gift card for $20 to get an extra $10 to spend downtown.
“That’s a $10 bonus to shop and dine downtown at their favourite participating retail stores, restaurants or personal services businesses,” Biz said in a release.
These gift cards are available for purchase at Downtown Family Food on Donald.