Sanitary workers want govt. to create awareness of cleanliness
The Hindu
They call for a sustained campaign to make the Union Territory litter-free and to achieve source segregation
As the city searches for a more efficient and participatory model of waste management, Swachatha Corporation workers have urged the government to create awareness among residents to promote better solid waste management in the town and its suburbs.
The staff members believe the goal will be impossible to achieve unless the government begins a sustained campaign to make the Union Territory litter-free and achieve the long-term plan of source segregation.
“Even now we see people throw waste on the streets, though bins have been placed. People coming in vehicles would not get down and put the waste in the bin. Instead, they would throw it sitting in their vehicles. The cover carrying the waste would fall on the street. When we go to collect the waste, it will be all over the place,” said a sanitary worker.