San Francisco prosecutors quit progressive DA Chesa Boudin's office, join recall effort
Fox News
Two San Francisco prosecutors have quit their jobs in progressive District Attorney Chesa Boudin’s office and joined an effort to recall him.
"Chesa has a radical approach that involves not charging crime in the first place and simply releasing individuals with no rehabilitation and putting them in positions where they are simply more likely to re-offend," Jenkins said in the interview. "Being an African American and Latino woman, I would wholeheartedly agree that the criminal justice system needs a lot of work, but when you are a district attorney, your job is to have balance."
Du Bain added that he believed Boudin "disregards the laws that he doesn't like, and he disregards the court decisions that he doesn't like to impose his own version of what he believes is just – and that's not the job of the district attorney."