Sameera Reddy On Coping With Her Parents Ageing: "I Definitely Wasn't Ready"
The actress on Tuesday, shared a bunch of pictures from her childhood
Actress Sameera Reddy's posts on Instagram are as real as it gets. The actress and mother of two, has never shied away from baring her soul to her fans. In her latest Instagram entry, the Race star does nothing different. The actress on Tuesday, shared a bunch of pictures from her childhood. It featured her parents and siblings as well. Sharing the throwback pictures, Sameera Reddy revealed her fears regarding her parents growing old. She also expressed gratitude towards her sisters, Sushama Reddy and Meghna Reddy, for taking good care of their parents, and for ensuring that they stay healthy.
In an extended post, the actress wrote, "Coming to terms with my parent's aging has been a struggle for me. Are we ever really prepared to see the pillars that held us up all these years, slowly start to become ever so fragile? I definitely wasn't ready. Maybe I took things for granted : but that's life right. Adulting happens, and the focus changes. Things move fast and then it hits you: Time. It moves too quickly. Last few years I've gotten to know my mom more that I ever took trouble to. And with each conversation i understand her better and who I am and where my endless resilience comes from. I see how she effortlessly managed so much behind the scenes . As most of our mothers did and still do . Did I appreciate her enough then ? I see it now in me as a mom and how much it takes to be it all that and more . I'm scared of losing her and my dad . I'm saying it out loud because it helps me cope . But I'm ever so grateful to have them right here right now . I am grateful for my sisters who rally around them making sure they stay healthy. I am in grace . Taking this post to put it out there for anyone who feels this . This is your moment . Your chance . To share as much love as you can with those who gave you boundless love and got you to where you are today. love you Mama Papa."
Take a look at the lovely post here: