Salaam’s new run-in with the law: Letters to the Editor — Jan. 31, 2024
NY Post
The Issue: The police pulling over Councilmember Yusef Salaam for window tint and out-of-state plates.
I don’t understand why City Councilman Yusef Salaam would be so outraged at being stopped by the police (“It Was a Good Stop, Yusef,” Editorial, Jan. 29).
They just wanted to see why his BMW had such darkly tinted windows. After all, doesn’t Salaam know that NYPD Det. Russell Timoshenko was shot to death from another BMW with very darkly tinted windows back in 2007?
Unlike Salaam, however, Timoshenko didn’t get to go home safely.
Instead of being outraged by this car stop, perhaps Salaam should be outraged by the potential release of Todd Scott — one of the assassins of NYPD Officer Edward Byrne in 1988. Like Timoshenko, Byrne also didn’t get to go home safely.
John Fox