Russians pressure Ukrainian cities as fighting continues
Ukrainian forces were bolstering defences in key cities Wednesday as Russia's advance faltered amid fierce resistance in some areas, the general staff of Ukraine's armed forces said, while the strategic port city of Mariupol remained encircled as a humanitarian crisis grew.
Across the country, thousands of people are thought to have been killed, both civilians and soldiers, in nearly two weeks of fighting. Russian forces have seen their advances stopped in certain areas — including around Kyiv — by fiercer resistance than expected from the Ukrainians.
Ukraine's general staff said in a statement that it was building up defences in cities in the north, south and east, and that forces around Kyiv are resisting the Russian offensive with unspecified strikes and “holding the line.”
In the northern city of Chernihiv, Russian forces are placing military equipment among residential buildings and on farms, the Ukrainian general staff said. And in the south, it said Russians dressed in civilian clothes are advancing on the city of Mykolaiv.
It did not provide any details of new fighting.