Russians in the dark about true state of war amid media's Orwellian coverage
The heartbreaking video looks just like the pictures western TV viewers are getting from the war in Ukraine: a grandmother, bundled up in a thick jacket against the cold, stands weeping in front of her wooden house, now smoldering from a rocket that hit her village. "They destroyed everything!" she cries. "Nothing is left."
But this is the Russian government-controlled TV channel Rossiya24 and, in this report, the soldiers attacking her village are Ukrainian, not Russian. The Russian correspondent calls them "nationalists." Other reports on the channel call them "neo-Nazis," "fascists," or "drug addicts" who use civilians as "human shields."
Almost all reports of the conflict are from the breakaway Donbas region in Ukraine's east, specifically the two self-proclaimed "people's republics" of Donetsk and Luhansk, primarily Russian-speaking entities that Russia recognized as independent statelets on February 21.