Russian Foreign Ministry launches flashmob to highlight importance of UN Charter on UN Day
India Today
Russian Foreign Ministry launched a flashmob, highlighting the importance of the Charter of the United Nations, on Sunday to celebrate the UN Day.
Russian Foreign Ministry launched a flashmob, highlighting the importance of the Charter of the United Nations, on Sunday to celebrate the UN Day. The day, October 24, marked the 76th anniversary of the UN Charter. On this day in 1945, it came into force. On the #UNDay, which is marked worldwide today, we would like to commemorate the 76th anniversary of the #UNCharter, and to remind the global community that the #UNCharterlsOurRules. Read more here https://t.co/OupUGngG5E pic.twitter.com/pZFdQx09Bk #UNDay #UNCharter #UNCharterIsOurRules@adityapratapsri pic.twitter.com/4KvMOlQiox #UNDay #UNCharter #UNCharterIsOurRules@mfa_russia @MEAIndia @IndEmbMoscow pic.twitter.com/WCjJZMXEXu #UNDay #UNCharter #UNCharterIsOurRules@mfa_russia @MEAIndia @IndEmbMoscow pic.twitter.com/jEJTf3jltK
“On the UN Day, which is marked worldwide today, we would like to commemorate the 76th anniversary of the UN Charter, and to remind the global community that the UN Charter is our rules,” said Nikolay Kudashev, the Russian ambassador to India, in a tweet.