Russia targets Ottawa think-tank as part of foreign interference campaign against critics
Global News
Russia's censorship czar attempted to take down the Macdonald-Laurier Institute website, a report shows.
The March edition of the Macdonald-Laurier Institute magazine, Inside Policy, called Russia’s invasion of Ukraine criminal, unprovoked, unjustifiable, and aggressive.
An Ottawa-based think tank made up of academics, activists and former diplomats and politicians, the MLI has been a leading voice against the Russian war in Ukraine.
Two weeks ago, President Vladimir Putin’s government hit back: it blocked the MLI website in Russia and ordered the company that hosts it to shut it down.
A report obtained by Global News shows Putin’s censorship czar contacted the web host on April 11, claiming the MLI site was “in violation of the law.”
The legal threat was sent by Roskomnadzor, the Russian Federation’s mass media and internet regulator, the report prepared by the hosting platform shows.
It referred to “a violation of the procedure for disseminating information” and said the request was from the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation.
The company was given 24 hours to “delete” the website.
Fourteen months into his disastrous assault on Ukraine, Putin appears to be escalating his information war, targeting not only opponents at home but also those abroad.