RRB NTPC 2019 CBAT exam city slip released for Pay level 2 &5: Check direct link here
India Today
RRB NTPC 2019 CBAT: RRB has released the exam city slips for the applicants, who will appear for the Pay level 2 and 5. Applicants are advised to download their exam city slips now before any delays.
RRB NTPC CBAT 2019 exam city slips: RRB has released the RRB NTPC CBAT 2019 exam city slips for the applicants who will appear for Pay levels 2 and 5. Applicants can download their exam city slips from the official website,i.e., rrbcdg.gov.in. before any delays. Applicants are advised to keep an eye on the official website for more updates and information.
Applicants who qualify RRB NTPC CBT 2 test will now appear for Computer Based Aptitude Test. As per a notice issued earlier by RRB, RRB NTPC CBAT exam will be conducted on July 30, 2022.
As per the information, the RRB NTPC CBAT admit card will be made available soon for the applicants once the exam city slips downloading process is done.