Rosie O'Donnell's Cringe Apology To Priyanka Chopra For Assuming Her Dad Is Deepak Chopra
Rosie O'Donnell didn't apologise for referring to Priyanka as "something Chopra" and "the Chopra wife"
American comedienne Rosie O'Donnell has apologised to Priyanka Chopra after an awkward encounter in which she assumed that Priyanka was the daughter of author and alternative medicine advocate Deepak Chopra. The apology itself is cringe-worthy, as is Ms O'Donnell's recounting of the exchange with Priyanka, who was at a restaurant with husband Nick Jonas when Rose O'Donnell came upto them. In the first of two videos she shared on her Instagram, Ms O'Donnell describes going up to Nick Jonas and his wife, "something Chopra (her very words)," and telling Priyanka that she knew her dad. "Who's my dad," Priyanka asked. Deepak Chopra, Rosie O'Donnell replied and received a frosty response - no, said Priyanka, adding that Chopra is a common Indian last name. Would love your thoughts on what qualifies someone. Here are my 60+ film credentials for your adept consideration @mrpfordhttps://t.co/8TY2sw1dKbpic.twitter.com/T8DnQbtXZG
Rosie O'Donnell apologised to Nick Jonas in this video, for some reason, and compounded it by calling Priyanka "the Chopra wife." See her video here.
In a second video, Rosie O'Donnell makes it clear that she's still ignorant about who Priyanka is and explains that comments on the previous one suggested the actress had been rude to her, clarifying that this was not so. "People thought she was rude but she was not rude, it was just awkward. She's apparently a very well-known actress and more famous than him (Nick) people were saying. So I'm sure it felt weird to her to begin with. Anyway, Priyanka is her name. And I just want to apologise to her and to everyone who thought it was inappropriate of me," said Ms O'Donnell, who plainly didn't catch The Matrix Resurrections in which Priyanka has an important role.
She didn't apologise for calling Priyanka "something Chopra" and "the Chopra wife." See her video here.