Rockets from Gaza rain havoc on Israeli cities in latest war
ABC News
Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip have fired more than 3,200 rockets at Israeli cities since the latest war erupted over a week ago
JERUSALEM -- Sirens wailed just before the Jewish holiday of Shavuot began on Sunday evening, sending Chen Farag and her family once again running for cover as they have dozens of times over the past week since the latest war between Palestinian militants in Gaza and the Israeli military erupted. The Farags live in Ashdod, Israel’s largest port on the Mediterranean coast. The city of about 225,000 people is around 30 kilometers (18 miles) north of the Gaza Strip. Six adults, two dogs and a parrot huddled in their home’s reinforced safe room — a routine precaution for hundreds of thousands of Israelis in the country's south. After an explosion shook the building, they rushed outside to see cars on fire, including their own. Their home's front door had been blown off, windows were blasted and shrapnel was embedded in walls. “We are in shock. It’s a nightmare," said Farag, a 24-year-old cable technician. “It's hard to sleep, because we are thinking, what if Gaza tries to hit us again?”More Related News