Restrictions for Himavad Gopalswamy Betta jatra
The Hindu
The participation in the Himavad Gopalswamy Betta Jatra mahotsava slated to be held from April 3 to 9 will be restricted to 30 devotees drawn from the local community. This was announced by the distri
The participation in the Himavad Gopalswamy Betta Jatra mahotsava slated to be held from April 3 to 9 will be restricted to 30 devotees drawn from the local community. This was announced by the district administration of Chamarajanagar and the Forest Department who said that the restrictions are to prevent large congregation amidst the second wave of the pandemic that has set in. The authorities said Himavad Gopalswamy Betta Jatra tends to draw a huge crowd every year, particularly for the Kalyanothsava slated for April 5 and Rathothsava on April 6.More Related News