Respite for fishers from loan repayment
The Hindu
Respite of six months to repay loans
The Cabinet on Wednesday granted families of seafaring fishers a respite of six months to repay the loans they had availed themselves of for fishing operations, housing, education, marriage of wards, and medical treatment.
The moratorium on repayment of loans will kick in with retrospective effect from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022. The suspension of repayment is for loans availed till December 31, 2008. The Cabinet also barred lenders from recovering the mortgages or impounding property put up as collateral for bank loans by the fishers.
The government has sanctioned post-graduate in pathology courses for the Institute of Integrated Medical Sciences, Palakkad. It has created three teaching posts (associate professor, assistant professor and senior resident) for the new course.