Residents want answers after fuel leak shuts down a Woodstock Tim Hortons
Five large pump trucks idle loudly in an otherwise empty Tim Hortons parking lot in Woodstock.
Some have the words Environmental Services stencilled on their sides. Others say Septic Tank Cleaning, Oil Spill Response.
Some people in the area say they heard truckers had complained about the smell of gas on their hands after washing up at the now darkened and closed Tim Hortons. And other customers had complained about the taste of fuel in their beverages as far back as late November.
"Everybody I know, they discuss it," said Verne Beers, 81, who lives about 700 metres from that Tim Hortons location on Beardsley Road.
But despite all their questions, it was only this week the province confirmed that there had, in fact, been a fuel leak — at Murray's Irving gas station restaurant, located just across the parking lot from the Tims.
CBC News spoke to residents who said they were not able to get an answer from Tim Hortons or the gas station, which was also closed for several days, as to what happened in mid-December when they shut down.
Many said they were worried there had been a leak and they may have consumed products contaminated with fuel.
Beers and several of his neighbours say they were all aware when both the Tim Hortons and Murray's shut down on Dec. 12.
"It was closed and there were environmental trucks and suction trucks, that sort of thing," said Beers, who is concerned about the possibility of his well water being contaminated.
But he and several of his neighbours, including former customers who drank and ate at those locations daily, say they've been worried for weeks about what they may have consumed.
When contacted by phone, Ian MacDougall, owner of that Tim Hortons, was asked if he could explain the reason for the closure.
"I'm afraid I can't," MacDougall said. "I'm the franchisee, so I can direct you to the Tim's media hotline."
An email from Restaurant Brands International stated that "Tim Hortons on Beardsley Road is currently closed due to an issue with another neighbouring business." Follow up emails have gone unanswered.
CBC News made several requests to speak with the management and the owners of Murray's Irving, located just across the parking lot from the Tim Hortons. Those requests via phone and email went unanswered.