Rep. McCaul says Biden causing 'international incidents' with off-script remarks
Fox News
Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Texas., joined “The Faulkner Focus” Monday to address the gaffes President Biden appears to be making on the world stage.
REP. MICHAEL MCCAUL: I do think that one man has unified NATO more than any other, and that's Mr. Putin. You know, I do give the administration marks for getting NATO together. The UN Security Council the resolution 141 to five. But then when he goes off-script, every time he does that, he seems to cause an international incident, and we get way off messaging. It's not the policy of the United States to have regime change. And he's always talking about not escalating, which is the reason why they didn't send the MiG jets into Ukraine in the first place, because they don't want to be too provocative. I think this is why you saw an NBC News poll say that 70 percent of the American people believe he's not doing a very good job as a wartime president.