Rep. Malliotakis on 'Fox & Friends': President Biden taking side of drug cartels over American citizens
Fox News
Rep. Nicole Malliotakis, R-N.Y., told “Fox & Friends” on Monday that the Biden administration is “taking the side of drug cartels” over American citizens.
NICOLE MALLIOTAKIS: This is a humanitarian crisis of epic proportions. A lot of these children are being abused on their journey here in the United States. But then it is having an impact on the resources that we have in our city or our state. The classrooms are overcrowded and if you looked during the height of COVID to see the impact that illegal immigration had on the hospital system, that is also something that is affecting the citizens here in our city.
I think what’s most concerning to me is the rise in fentanyl deaths that we see from individuals who are smuggling fentanyl over the border. The D.E.A. said that’s where it’s coming from. 80% of the fentanyl is coming that way. That is why it is so critical that we secure this border now. In addition to that, we saw 52 individuals with al Qaeda ties that were stopped in Panama that were headed to the United States. There have been multiple people stopped at our border that are on the terrorist watch list.