Rep. John Curtis: Biden's broadband plan – government-run networks don't work. Here's what we learned in Utah
Fox News
Broadband internet has become part of America’s core infrastructure. It’s right to focus on it in the infrastructure debate, but President Biden’s most recent proposal offers a misguided solution: Giving government more control.
When I served as mayor, no challenge loomed larger than Provo’s government-owned broadband network, which I inherited upon taking office. The iProvo network was established with the promise of delivering affordable high-speed internet connections to all the city’s residents. The Biden plan would invest billions in broadband expansion while giving preferential treatment to government-owned networks. But the network failed to effectively reach residents across the city and created massive costs that were ultimately paid for by residents. Our local paper dubbed it a millstone around our necks. The debt we incurred to build it dictated the city’s every move.More Related News