Rep. Donalds says Big Tech censorship 'absolutely' a free speech issue: Biden has 'hand in the cookie jar'
Fox News
Rep. Bryon Donalds, R-Fla. said in a new interview he was "disgusted" by the recent rhetoric coming from the Biden administration about battling so-called coronavirus "misinformation" on social media.
White House press secretary Jen Psaki made headlines last week when she revealed the administration was flagging what it considers to be problematic Facebook posts jeopardizing the government's vaccination goals. Psaki also suggested those who are banned on one social media platform for "misinformation" should be banned from others as well. "The fact that the White House thinks it's OK to collude with social media companies is outrageous to me," Donalds told Fox News. "The fact that they think that it's OK because we have to deal with a pandemic or people getting vaccinated, that they do not have the wherewithal to just gently push or nudge or force social media companies to pull that information is outrageous to the front of freedom everywhere, especially here in the United States."More Related News